2019 Turkey Open Results
Michael Murray Wins the Turkey Open with 4.5/5.0 points in a field of 32 players.
The 2019 Turkey Open was very well attended with 32 players including 3 experts and well dispersed class players, resulting in some very competitive and interesting games.
Michael Murray garnered 1st place with a nice final round win over expert Michael Cambareri, who also had a nice tournament with a 4th round win over expert Dorje McPherron, sharing 2nd with Wilton Strickland. The Class B prize was shared by Darren Stacey, Daltri Freitas, Daniel McCourt and Kevin Korsmo. Class C went to Michael Martell. Frank Miller and Jim Lang knocked off Class D/E, and Daniel Carlino nailed the Biggest Upset prize with his 1st round performance.
I’d like to thank all of the attendees who made this year’s Turkey Open such a success.
TD Romie Carpenter
2019 Turkey Open Crosstable
2019 Drumsticks Scholastic
Paul Harmon Wins the Turkey Scholastic with 3.5/4.0 points in a field of 11 players.
Brave New Generation ratings chasers at the 2019 Turkey Scholastic
(From left) Sage Fisher whose 2nd round win featured the rarely seen “Legal’s Mate”. Basketball prospect behind Sage is brother Aden and chess-clock clown immediate right is brother Teron Fisher. Next right in back are Molly Tefft and Joshua Walthall. Directly in front of Tefft and Walthall are Sam Harmon and older brother Paul. Paul wears the expression of relief and triumph after landing a come-from-behind 1st place finish. Right from Paul and stylin’ in their Packers pullovers are brothers Vahn and Rio Thelen. Keeping clear of dubious Packer allegiance is Claire Harmon. Claire nicked brother Paul for a draw in round three. Missing from the mix is the third of the three 1st grade competitors. Pierce Coulter and his Pop left quickly with tickets to attend the Griz—Vandal game. Director Eric Walthall deemed the absence to be excused.
Played in conjunction with the annual Turkey Open in Missoula, the Drumsticks Scholastic drew 11 young chess players in grades 1-7. The 4-round event was played at game/30, d5 time-control and earned dual ratings from US Chess.
Helena 5th grader Paul Harmon scored a 4th round win over Aden Fisher of Corvallis to finish at 3.5 and just ahead of Fisher’s 3.0 score. Molly Tefft from Bozeman and Joshua Walthall from Stevensville also made 3.0 scores
Thanks to all the players and their families for their parts in making the event a success. An extra tip of the hat to those who traveled from out-of-town.
Once again, a big “thank you” to the University-Community Chess Club and Romie Carpenter for making space available for the scholastic event.
The Drumsticks tournament was organized and directed by Dan McCourt and Eric Walthall.